Truckers are on the frontlines of the global coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic as they haul desperately needed food and supplies across the country. How can we show appreciation for these drivers who put themselves at risk every day so the rest of us can get what we need?
By practicing kindness. Here’s a list of things that you can do to take care of a trucker during the coronavirus pandemic:
- Give them an extra wide berth on the highway. They’re hauling desperately needed products and supplies to help millions of people from one coast to the next.
- Buy an appropriate amount of groceries. One week’s worth is recommended, any more than that and we are putting our supply chain and transportation systems at serious risk.
- Buy them a cup of coffee – the social distancing way. Venmo or Paypal a driver you know $5 for a little caffeine boost at their next stop. It’s a hack that will not only leave them with a smile, it’ll help keep them fueled up for the late-night hauls.
- Donate to Trucker’s Fund. They help over-the-road/regional semi-truck drivers and their families when an illness or injury, occurring within the last year, has caused them to be out of work. (Can we list one?)
- Hop on a quick video chat. Trucking is already an isolating profession, and with most of the country hunkered down, it can be even more so. Text to find out when their next off-road time is and set up a video call!
- Send a care package! Non-perishable (and mostly healthy) snacks are ALWAYS appreciated. Need some suggestions on gifts for truckers? Here are a few of our favorites: Trail mix, jerky, emergen-C, aspirin, bleach wipes, Mc Donald’s gift cards, truck stop gift cards, gum, chips, hand sanitizer, glasses wipes, crosswords, Soduko puzzles, sunflower seeds and cookies.
- Check in on their spouse or family. One of the hardest parts of being on the road for long stretches is not being there for your loved ones at home. Dropping off a casserole or a note with some kind words would go a long way in warming a trucker’s heart.
- SAY THANK YOU. A trucker is the reason you have been able to stay safe and home during this pandemic; with food, medicine, and apparently, lots and lots of toilet paper.
- Buy them a CDL Protection Plan. CDL ticket points could take a trucker off the road, lead to higher insurance rates, and ruin their ability to get work in the future. For extra protection, choose a commercial drivers legal plan with nationwide CDL attorney coverage AND benefits specifically for truckers and their families. One final tip! Consider a company’s record in court, and tenure of the business.
Modern society would be impossible without an interstate trucker. Let’s use every day to celebrate and care for our CDL Drivers.
ORDP has been providing the industry’s best CDL protection plan for over 30 years, with a win rate of 92%, so we know a thing or two. If you’d like to learn more about how a CDL protection plan provides additional security on the road, call 1-800-977-3977 we’re happy to help!
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